The successful implementation of the SDG: Goal 17 Partnerships to achieve the goals is essential for the well-being of our planet. A comprehensive...
Category: SDG
SDG: Goal 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions: Peace, physical integrity and the protection of a stable legal system are an indispensable...
SDG: Goal 15 Life on land: The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity is crucial for the well-being of society and the continuation...
SDG: Goal 14 Life below water: Hidden in the vast, blue depths of our planet lies a secret of immeasurable proportions - the oceans. They cover...
SDG: Goal 13 Climate protection measures: Climate change is a key challenge for sustainable development. The warming of the earth's atmosphere...
SDG: Goal 12 Sustainable consumption and production: The demand for resources such as lignite, oil, wood, fruit, vegetables and grain has risen...
In an increasingly urbanized world, the quality of life in cities is at the heart of the global agenda. With one in two of the world's population...
SDG: Goal 10 Reduce inequalities aims to reduce inequalities within and between countries. This means that all people should have the same opportunities,...
SDG: Goal 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: Sustainable and inclusive industrialization combined with innovation and infrastructure...
SDG: Goal 8 Sustainable development as an opportunity for all: Globalization opens up a wide range of opportunities for increasing prosperity....